Giving Day 2024 🎉

That’s a wrap on Giving Day 2024! Thank you to all the members of the Webb and Alf Museum community from around the globe who chose to participate this year. Together, we reached a seven-year Giving Day campaign record.

The Webb Fund, the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology, our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives, Athletics and Afternoon Activities, and Financial Aid, will all benefit thanks to the incredible level of support our community has shown this year.

Did you miss out on this year’s Giving Day?

If you haven’t yet made a gift to Webb or the Alf Museum this year, there’s still time to participate! Visit our dedicated online giving form and join us by making your gift before the conclusion of our fiscal year any time before 11:59 PM (PT) Sunday, June 30.


For more information on how to make a gift online, or via your preferred method, contact Peter Gilman, director of The Webb Fund at (909) 482-5288 or